Monday, July 2, 2012

"Connect with me - Conectate conmigo". SG™
"How are you branding yourself?". SG™
"Quiero leer una historia para ti - I read a story for you". SG™
"I want to help you - Yo quiero ayudarte". SG™
Thousands of questions with no answer - Miles de preguntas sin respuesta. SG™
To find God We have to look deeper inside ourselves Para encontrar a Dios tenemos que mirar más profundamente dentro de nosotros mismos. SG™
What can We do together to make today a better day - Qué podemos hacer juntos para hacer de hoy en día un día mejor. SG ™
I value your ideas - Yo valoro sus ideas. SG ™
I am a cloud of information - Yo soy una nube de información. SG ™
Do you need more money - Necesitas más dinero . SG ™
"Do you have a question or you have an answer - tiene usted una pregunta o tiene una respuesta" . SG ™
"Do you need more money - Necesitas más dinero" . SG ™
"How can I help you or how can you help me" . SG ™

Saturday, June 30, 2012

"I want to do bad things with you" . SG ™
"3" . SG ™

Saturday, June 23, 2012

"I don't share my Muse Asshole" . SG ™

Saturday, June 16, 2012

"I Hustle party & Fuck just as hard" . SG ™

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

"I am changed the name Colombia for El Dorado - He cambiado el nombre de Colombia para El Dorado" . SG ™

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

"It feels cold with out love in this summer" . SG ™

Monday, June 11, 2012

"I want many babies - Quiero muchos bebés" . SG ™
"When you feel some thing new blooming in life you feel the fire inside your heart so never give up" . SG ™

Thursday, June 7, 2012

"God forgot about the illegal aliens of America" . SG ™
"If there was a God of Good in this planet I would't be what they call an illegal human" . SG ™

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

"There is Gay Groups Feminist Groups So I am Starting the New Man Groove Protecting the rights of the straight Man" . SG ™
"W Bush was the real terrorist all along and no one did anything to stop him therefore we are all guilty of mass murdering" . SG ™
"What we do to others will be done to Us or to our children so manage every action to have a good reaction" . SG ™

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

"The drug policies of the United States are affecting el Dorado & something will be done in this New Age". SG ™

Saturday, May 5, 2012

"Anarchy can suck my dick - La anarquia me la puede mamar". SG ™

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

"Exposure to the world of Arts changes people's lives". SG™

Monday, April 2, 2012

"To suck a real tit in today's society is overindulgence". SG™
"Hard for me to understand the breast silicone Culture". SG™

Sunday, April 1, 2012

"How about I told you Obama is not black & he is Hitler's little daughter inside a costume". SG™

Saturday, March 31, 2012

"Reaching God with every Orgasm". SG™

Friday, March 30, 2012

"We Can't find our Dreams with tears in our eyes Clean your face and you will find success". SG™
"If you want to know what happens to good people ask Jesus". SG™

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

"Never change life for a bag full of cash". SG™

Thursday, March 22, 2012

"For our life to change we have to first dare to try some thing different”. SG™
"By the accomplishment of our short term goals We are contributing to the development of our dreams”. SG™

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

"Miami Because I Love You I Fuck You”. SG™
"I can't Imagine God with out Us nor Imagine Us with out God”. SG™
"We can learn a Skill from school but only God can plant the seed of talent inside of our soul”. SG™

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

"Wake up Smoke Shower Dress Work Yoga community service music videos photos restaurant bar movie sex Sleep dreams”. SG™

Thursday, March 1, 2012

“Open your <3 Mind time and Sofa to exchange the Couch-Surfing Experience”.SG™
“With Positive thinking we attract what we want & with positive action we construct to achieve the objective”.SG™

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

“Construction of magical dreams”.SG™
"We shall try to never Justify unjustice nor advocate it in any way instigating it is just as inflicting it”.SG™

Monday, February 27, 2012

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

"Is there a meeting point in the term Casualty & Terror".SG™
"I want to kill the British princesses Guille & Will in their little military Uniforms with a South American Flag all the way up their ass".SG™

Friday, January 27, 2012

"Conflict leggins with our reaction to what might consider a problem".SG™

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

"We have the resources to build a better World".SG™
"I am a morning creature".SG™

Sunday, January 22, 2012

"We are every-thing - But keep in mind - we where no-thing".SG™
"Around 2005 came Sebastian Gonzalez, a Poliversal artist so great he didn't need a band approaches to attain international recognition".SG™
"Love them - for who they are - rather than loving them 4 what you think they are or want every 1 to be".SG™
"Now that you made your Paper - where is our mother fucking share".SG™

Saturday, January 21, 2012

"Nothing more disgusting than an old perverted man - No hay nada mas asqueroso que un viejo verde".SG™

Friday, January 20, 2012

"If Governments and Religions are beggars why are they all-ways choosing".SG™
"A friend thinks every one in the government or any force needs to get a real job like every 1 else".SG™

Thursday, January 19, 2012

"Father if you where a Man to F*ck my mother, where are you to help your Son".SG™

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

"Have no fear of the dark times approaching there will all-ways be light with in your heart".SG™
"I am the Shaman of the Sound".SG™
‎"I was a victim of American Police Brutality".SG™
"All I ever learn from Jewish people was exploiting other forms of living".SG™
"Obama is not American Nor Black".SG™
"Destruction of relations between neighbor nations is an excuse for invasion".SG™
"Destruction of relations between neighbor nations is an excuse for invasion".SG™
"Trust your family & friends before you trust any Religion or Institution".SG™
"Liberty & Justice For Whites".SG™
"The day I take over the world's Governments I will kill every baby boomer".SG™
"Soy. un Ilegal pero no soy un vendido - I am. An illegal, but I'm not a sellout".SG™
"In Death We will be born AGAIN.SG™
"I am the Rising Templar The King of the Last EVOLUTION".SG™
"I am the King of the Alien MAN".SG™
"Get ready because the End is here".SG™
"Have no Fear the great Spirit is back to Pacha Mama The earth".SG™
"Rise against the Evil before they kill YOU this is an advice from a pirate roaming earth".SG™
"I am the kind of terror the world has been waiting for".SG™
"Mr Pope under what reason did you kill our history".SG™
"I will like to ask the Church where is all my family's gold".SG™
"The U N is the Army of the DEVIL - How do you expect us to believe in God".SG™
"Genocide, was the tender love, giving to what we know as America, from Europe & the Church".SG™

Monday, January 16, 2012

"I don't need your understanding I am the way I am".SG™

Saturday, January 14, 2012

"In the road of the Evolution each Man or Woman will get a throne filled with Medicine for the soul gold and stones".SG™
"I was born inside of a Poporo - I am the father of the Coca Leaf".SG™
"People of the world show me some LOVE".SG™
"Cual fue la noche en la que los poporos decidieron ser caliz de la alianza".SG™
"What time was it when we became slaves of freedom".SG™
"We have one hand to give & one hand two receive one can't flow with out the other is indeed like the river going to the Ocean".SG™
"Gloomy was the day thinking herb became a crime".SG™
"If every case is different how can we predict righteous".SG™
This is a message from the Oppressed to the Oppressors God is dead as well as the Devil Welcome to the Nothing To the Eggshell generationSG™

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

"Ignite the heart & Soul All together makes 1 Strong - We can share Food and shelter under a roof of trust and love".SG™
"To believe or not to do so, is indeed a personal choice. Accept each other for who you are".SG™
"La humanidad es una familia - Humanity is one family".SG™
"We can do every-thing - Lo podemos hacer todo".SG™
"The most amazing Sunset - The Sun ready to meet the moon".SG™
"The most amazing Sunset - The Sun ready to meet the moon".SG™

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

"We are all part of the Poliverse - I am a conductor of the dream liberation program".SG™

Friday, January 6, 2012

"If G-od is a man - is the devil a girl".SG™

Monday, January 2, 2012

"I am a Colombian export product 100% pure - from the Andean Dorado Region Family".SG™